
Oswald Perktold

War toys
Ruth deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
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English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
You've got a reminder in your hand or had grad - the sign or symbol for a reminder. - This car. And this car I've seen in a German city in a toy museum. The - about has been produced in the 30's. Unfortunately, I have only this part. Red, rubber wheels, steering wheel, gear shift, four gears forward, one reverse gear. And that - that I was incredibly fascinated. So it was of course also been fascinated by technical toys. Even weapons. So this crossbow. I then got yourself a crossbow fabricated. - - - And - yes. I can remember, there are remnants - with the remains of my grandchildren are still playing. has, since there has been a building block and this one was very belligerent ". PAHs shoots tank" Because you have - because such a small gun has been that you have to - a spring - and then - is a bullet out and has you can use the pan - and then a wooden tank. So war toys we had, of course.